I have been using an IUD for about a year.
An IUD (intrauterine device) is a small, flexible contraceptive device that is shaped like the letter T and is inserted into the uterus. This contraceptive method is long-lasting, safe, and extremely effective.
It is said to be 99.7% effective. Most of my friends who used it can vouch for that..Until I came into the picture.
Yes. I am pregnant. With an IUD in place.
"Women who are experiencing an IUD pregnancy are more likely to miscarry than women who did not have an IUD in place at conception. In a normal pregnancy, the miscarriage rate is about 18-20%. If you choose to leave the IUD in, your miscarriage rate increases to about 50%. Removing the IUD early in a pregnancy reduces the risk of miscarriage to about 25%."
That is why I do not publicise this pregnancy. I am going through a high risk pregnancy. The best part is. My gynea could not remove the IUD from my uterus.
My gynea said. That everything looks fine for now. He said the baby can grow with the IUD and will come out along with it. And the baby in question, (as he had delivered such a case before) was perfectly healthy.
I am continuously making doa for its development. This is rare. But it is real and it is happening to me.
Reena knows. She understands that there is a baby in my tummy as she has gone through this before. However, Irman doesn't and he is as clingy as ever.
This pregnancy has been a tad more painful for me. It is uncomfortable, and the food cravings is madness. I need teh tarik and kaya butter toast on a daily basis. And at least once a month, I desperately MUST have 1 comestival dessert's pie or other delicious delectable.
I haven't told most of my colleagues but I assume they know as my tummy is at its prime. My body as usual don't gain much (oddly enough) perhaps I do not consume adequate real meals. I usually stop at the 5th bite and wait for my next meal schedule.
Next week will be my next gynea check-up. I am as nervous as a kambing who is queueing up for slaughter.
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