Monday, November 17, 2014

easy activities with children

Reena and Irman, my dear children are stuck at home. Reena due to HFMD and Irman is staying at home for the time being. This is to be absolutely sure that Irman is not infected with HFMD before he can safely return to infant school.

The children (including me) are going crazy with the minimal activities that they can do at home. 

Ipads and television are definitely not the best alternative to school activities. Trust me. It does not stimulate their cognitive skills. They need further hands-on activities. 

I must agree, with the limited resources that we have, there is not much that we can do. 

So we, improvise :) 

We have been watching a youtube channel called "nerdy nummies". I love the creativity of Rosanna. She bakes creative and yummy looking animated characters. 

Reena has been requesting to bake an Olaf dessert just as how Rosanna did. 

We can't use the oven. The freezer is usually full. 

So we bought ready made mini muffins.

Hundreds and Thouands. 

Chocolate Spread/Cream Cheese


And that was when the fun begin.

 Irman was supposed to put the M&M's on the muffin. But he ate it instead.

Reena washed her hands extra thoroughly before she started. 

It was as easy as that. 

And it was yummy and fuss-free too.

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