Saturday, January 31, 2015


Despite the fact that we are saving like crazy (literally), I do grab great deals when I see one.

I have listed a fair few things that I would need for the new house. One of the things that I know would be necessary (especially when I have my bachelor's classes at night); is an air fryer.

My husband can't cook. He can be a fair food critique, especially when I am the one cooking. But he simply can't cook.

Therefore, the air fryer will come in handy under the current circumstances. All he needs to do is pop in a few frozen meat products wait for 15-20 minutes and voila! His favourite food; fried food of any sort, is served!

It was a good buy, Mayer Air Fryer (black) at $98 with a free gift. I am planning to get an all black appliances theme for my kitchen. My kitchen concept will be brown quartz table top and white cabinets. Let's see how that will work out.

Here are some of the things I have purchased so far.

For the Bormioli Rocco Dinnerware Set, it was purcahsed as a gift from my mother. She purchased two sets of it. I love the fact that it is plain and white. 

Now the main issue is, where should I store my air fryer? 

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